Diffusion Stone - 2 Micron (36" long)

Diffusion Stone - 2 Micron (36" long)

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This 36in stainless steel wand is outfitted with a 2 micron sintered stainless diffusion stone on the end of it. Perfect for oxygenating your must during fermentation and for degassing wine with nitrogen. Use with 3/8" ID tubing - D1704.

You can learn more about the use of oxygen during fermentation by reading our Guide to Macro Oxygenation and Fermentation

Sanitizing your Diffusion Stone:

To properly prepare your stone for use, we recommend you boil the stone portion in water for 3-5 minutes. By heating the stone to boiling temperatures you kill all possible contaminants that may be hidden within the stones micro pores. Using a surface sanitizer is not a guarantee from contamination. Boiling also greatly reduces clogging issues by helping to remove sugar residue.

If boiling is not an option, for whatever reason, we recommend the next best, soaking in Star San. Star San will remove a majority of surface contamination/bacteria, but will not sanitize the interior of the stone which may or may not be contaminated.

Please note that you do not want to touch the stainless stone portion with your hands. The oils on your fingers can actually clog the small pores in the stone.

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MoreFlavor Store
Having a stone on the end of a wand makes it much easier to sanitize in boiling water. My local brew supply store only has stones that attach to tubing with a flare nut.
Mike S on Feb 12, 2021
Having a stone on the end of a wand makes it much easier to sanitize in boiling water. My local brew supply store only has stones that attach to tubing with a flare nut.
Mike S on Feb 12, 2021
What is the outside diameter (OD) of the wand inlet? The description suggests using 3/8" ID tubing, but does not specify the dimensions of the wand itself.
Kevin I on May 13, 2021
BEST ANSWER: I just used a micrometer on mine, and it's about 9.5mm OD.

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Best way to aerate the wort.
I sterilize my stone with boiling water. The best way to handle this is to have it at the end of a rod. I sterilize the rod with Star San. I tried a stone at the end of flexible turning and found it difficult to handle during sterilization.

My own suggestion would be to sell the rod separately with a fitting so that a new stone could replace a stone that had become clogged. The rod never wears out.
July 19, 2021
over 3 years ago