The easiest way to start a siphon!
Simply blow into the sterile filter, which slightly pressurizes the carboy, causing wine to flow out.
This is hands down superior to the numerous other methods of starting a siphon (and we have tried them all!) No sucking the end of the tube, no plungers with faulty gaskets, no shaking, no filling up the tube with unsterilized water, nothing to break, no contamination, no disturbing the sediment, and no fuss. Can you tell we really like it!
How to Use Attach the Sterile Siphon starter assembly by firmly pushing the orange or yellow carboy hood over the mouth of the carboy. Slide the racking cane to the desired depth, just about the sediment level and blow into the white, sanitary air filter for 2-3 seconds. Blowing through the filter forces wine out through the racking cane, starting the siphon. There is no need to worry about contamination from your mouth, as the sanitary filter removes 99.98% of airborne bacteria. For a video demonstration, check out the video below.
Tip to Remove Oxygen in Line We suggest that as your starting the siphon you pinch the clear, flexible tubing near the racking cane. Release the pinch on the tubing after 1-2 seconds, while continuing to blow through for an additional second. This will cause the clear vinyl tubing to fill completely with wine, eliminating oxidation that can occur in siphoning when your line is not completely full and wine is mixing with oxygen.
Special Tip for Additional Use of Sterile Siphon Starter while sanitizing carboys
Fill your carboy with sanitizer as normal. Take the red tip off the end of the stainless racking cane and insert Siphon Starter assembly into carboy filled with sanitizer. Blow on filter to begin siphoning sanitizer out of carboy. As the sanitizer empties the carboy fills with filtered air, leaving a sanitized, bacteria free environment to fill your wine into.
Sterile Siphon Includes:
26 inch Stainless Racking Cane
Red Sediment Reduction Tip
Rubber Carboy Blowoff Hood w/White Caps (Fits 3, 5, 6, 6.5 Gallon smooth neck glass carboys; see R552 if you have the more common Italian 6.5 gallon carboy with threads)
5' 3/8" ID Vinyl Tubing
Stainless Hose Clamp
Sterile Air Filter
About the White Sterile Filter: There are two sides to the filter - an "in" and an "out". The direction you use doesn't matter, however, you want to take note of which way you first push air through it and always keep it that way. There is an arrow on the edge of the filter housing that we use to keep the air flow going one direction when using it. The filter should never get wet, so don't try and sanitize it by dunking it in sanitizer. If you want to clean the outside of it, use Alpet D2. To store the filter, use a little tinfoil on the "In" of the filter and store in a zip-lock bag.